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Wyandotte County 2025 Budget Simulator

UG Wyandotte County Budget Simulator - Balance the County's Budget

Have you got what it takes to balance the UG's budget?

Every year, the UG must craft a balanced budget that provides a wide array of services to our community. This year, we are doing more to engage the community in the budget process to receive feedback on government spending. This budget simulator puts the task of balancing the Wyandotte County budget into the community's hands so that we can see how you would balance the budget and what changes you might make.

The numbers in this budget simulator are based on our current operating expenditure levels within the Wyandotte County tax levy funds: the County General, County Bond & Interest, Elections, Aging, Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, Health, County Initiative for Funding Infrastructure,  and the county portion of the Consolidated Parks Fund. More information about these funds can be foud in the budget document on our webpage: Budget – Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City ( 

The budget simulator allows you to adjust funding to service areas that address our strategic goals: Reduce Blight; Increase Economic Prosperity of the Community and Opportunity for our Residents; Increase Safety and Perception of Safety; Improve Community Health; and Improve Infrastructure. The simulator also allows you to adjust revenue streams in the form of property tax. As you change funding levels for these categories, you will be able to see the direct impact on services and the budget balance. 

Instructions for using the tool:

We look forward to hearing your views!

More info

Please visit the budget’s webpage for more information on our operating expenditures and the overall budget: Budget – Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City (

Create your Budget